We continue to teach in both the studio and via, live online 

We have returned to the studio and we are teaching in the warm comfortable space which is well ventilated. Safety procedures are being followed so you can attend safely to exercise.

Please do not attend our studio classes if you:

  • Have a high temperature or are displaying cold or flu symptoms
  • Have a new continuous cough
  • Loss of or change to your taste or smell
  • Have any ill family members in your household and therefore could be incubating the virus

The studio is open:

  • Masks are no longer mandatory, you may choose to wear a mask on arrival, and in the studio.
  • We continue to respect each others space and still follow sensible social distancing rules to reduce the risk of viral spread.
  • We ask you always bring your own towels or headcushions, but if necessary you may borrow one at your own risk.
  • Please bring your own personal mat to class to avoid sharing of equipment, again you can borrow one at your own risk.
  • We will ensure the studio is cleaned and ventilated between classes, and follow protocol to avoid the spread of the virus.
  • We reserve the right to ask a class member to leave if we feel they may put ourselves and others at risk by attending
  • Please follow government advice
  • Please use good hygiene and regularly wash your hands
  • Toilets are avaialble for use if required

We thank you for your co-operation for as long as necessary